Puberty in Girls: Help Your Daughter about Puberty?

Find out how to help your daughter deal with the problems that come with being a teenager. Find out how to talk to each other honestly, help, and deal with common worries during this very important time.

Puberty and Girls

Think about how you can help your girl get through puberty. Learn how to talk about changes in your body, deal with your feelings, and build a positive self-image.

When teens and young adults hit puberty, their bodies start to change from those of kids to those of adults. Anyone can go through this change, but most people do so between the ages of 8 and 14.

A lot of changes happen in the body during puberty because of hormones. Girls go through growth spurts and get breasts during these times. For boys, they make hair grow on their faces and bodies.

It’s also when the sexual systems fully develop, which is when girls start having periods and boys start having louder sounds. In addition to these changes in the body, puberty can also cause changes in emotions and social life, such as a stronger desire to be alone.

This is a normal part of growing up, even though it can be hard at times. If teens and their families know what to expect during puberty, they can go through this change with more confidence and ease.

Puberty in Girls

Most mothers face lots of challenges and inhibitions when it comes to discussing womanhood with their little girl, who is about to hit puberty.

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It may be about her first period, first crush or the new emotions that are building in. It seems like a daunting task, but as a mother, you need to be open enough to discuss these things in the right way so that you can guide her well.

The points listed below are a must for a mother to help her instill the much-needed confidence in a daughter at the doorstep of womanhood.

Why do you think and feel about menstruation?

The start of menstruation comes with a lot of emotional changes for you, little girl. The first period might scare her off.

As a mother, you need to prepare her well before she comes to that stage so that she takes it as a biological change, just like when she sheds her first milk teeth.

Before you are able to achieve it, you must check how you feel about menstruation, because that is what you will pass on to her.

Get your facts right, meet a gynecologist and relate everything to biology rather than a taboo-like thing.

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Prepare her for the physical changes she is about to undergo

Menstruation is always accompanied with physical changes. She may feel unwell or see changes in her body that she does not like.

Empower her with the right set of things that help her overcome any discomfort or the self-conscious feeling as to what is happening to her body. If she has her answers ready, nothing can affect her confidence.

Go for menstruation shopping together

Right from shopping for pads to undergarments, you must take her along to make her aware of the right choices that can give her comfort during those days.

Keep her bag ready with a period kit so that she never has to face an embarrassing situation.

Taking her to a shopping spree will educate her on the right choice of pads and make her aware that things like Knixteen provides underwear for teens, whether she should buy a tampon or not.

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Do not give her a vague idea tell her how to use things

As a mother, you gave her birth so why shy away at this time when she needs you the most. Make sure you give her a demo of how to fix a pad on her pants and not just tell her steps.

She is scared right now and needs continuous reassurance that you are there with her, helping her through everything that is about to change. It has been noticed that when mothers give comfort to girls, they transition into confident females.

Preparing her emotionally and physically is a mother’s job and not her friend’s task, as you know her well. Make her feel comfortable at home and tell her cramps and mood swings are real, and as you deal with them well, she will also be able to do it with a smile.

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